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Posted: February 17th, 2022


For your first application assignment, you will utilize the readings and a scholarly journal from the South University Online Library to write a two- to five-page paper that adheres to APA standards and answers all the questions below. Because you will incorporate information on sociological investigation and research methods in this assignment, please be sure to read Chapters 1 and 2 from your textbook and the Week 1 online lectures before you start.
Begin by selecting one of the four articles below from the South University Online Library:

Gil de Zúñiga, H., Correa, T., & Valenzuela, S. (2012). Selective exposure to cable news and immigration in the U.S.: The relationship between FOX News, CNN, and attitudes toward Mexican immigrants. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 56(4), 597–615.
Isom, D. (2012). Fluid and shifting: Racialized, gendered, and sexual identity in African American children. International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 6(11), 127–137.
Li, K., Simons-Morton, B. G., & Hingson, R. (2013). Impaired-driving prevalence among US high school students: Associations with substance use and risky driving behaviors. American Journal Of Public Health, 103(11), e71–e77. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301296
Pager, D., & Western, B. (2012). Identifying discrimination at work: the use of field experiments.” Journal Of Social Issues, 68(2), 221–237.

Once you select an article you will write a short, two- to five-page essay using APA format. Please review the grading rubric before embarking on your paper. Your paper should fulfill all requirements of the grading rubric and answer the following questions:

What is the social problem the researchers are investigating?
What is the research method (survey, participant observation, experiment, secondary sources, or interviews) used by the researchers?
What were the results or findings of the research?
What do you think would be a good solution to the social problem?

As always, remember to use APA format for the essay style, in-text citations, and in the listing of your sources on the reference page. Please refer to the Academic Resources page in the Course Home for resources on writing in APA style.
Submit your essay (written in 12-point font) describing your application project and your findings to the Submissions area.

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