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Posted: February 28th, 2022

Society and Technological Advancement

Society and Technological Advancement
Currently, the COVID-9 pandemic has impacted technology advancement, where new ideas are developing to tackle issues and enhance business continuity. Throughout history, technology advancement has changed various aspects of life, such as improved health and extended life expectancy (MacLeavy, 2020). Technology advancement has grown more rapidly than any other innovation across the world, bringing about development and transformation of society. According to reports, in 2030, most people may lose jobs due to the development of automatic technology, such as robotic and artificial intelligence (Bidgar, and Kotkar, 2019). The paper will discuss how societal demands impact sectors, such as health, education, security, and business in technology advancement and how technology has impacted the society.
I think society impacts technology development, and development of technology impacts society in various ways. Various technology assessment studies have been conducted to understand the impacts of society and ethics on technology development (Turner, 2015). The evolution of society and the growing rates of social needs has motivated and impacted technological advancement negatively and positively. For instance, the evolution and growth of education have influenced technological growth. Also, the high demands of technology from growing businesses and the emergence of new diseases and criminal issues in the community.
The society has evolved over the years, demand for technology advancement aim at improving efficiency, reduce cost, and carrying out business and security opertions faster. New and critical diseases have emerged in society, such as cancer requiring new treatment and diagnosis (Bidgar, and Kotkar, 2019). The diseases have influenced medical information systems, such as electronic health records and technological diagnostic instruments used to conduct a diagnosis. For instance, breast cancer analysis technology and ways to improve communication and interaction between patients and physicians.
Additionally, the tremendous growth of the business in the society has impacted technological advancement. Business growth has brought about financial growth developing financial systems and institutions, such as banks. Business growth and the introduction of new ideas into the business enhance technological advancement to execute and implement new ideas (Turner, 2015). The growth of monetary systems and an increase in cash flow have led to the development of technology to accommodate the high cash flow. For instance, new transactions were developed, such as automatic transaction machines and mobile payment services.
On the other hand, business growth and creativity in business have led to the development of new marketing strategies, such as using social media platforms and developing business websites and applications. Society has played an important role in technological advancement in all aspects of life. Handling money has been an easy practice, especially where security has been offered through computer and mobile software. Business owners and consumers no longer visit retail shops and wholesale shops for goods but instead use online applications and business websites to make orders. Business technology, such as Amazon and eBay, has enhanced quick delivery without disruption during a crisis, such as the COVID-19 virus.(MacLeavy, 2020).
Terrorism has been a top issue globally leaving scientists and information technology experts with ideas on how to develop new technology to counter the advancing crimes. Law enforcement has also integrated technology in the department to improve policing, such as the investigation process (Bidgar, and Kotkar, 2019). For instance, today, thermal electronic detectors are used to sense the amount of heat in areas where marijuana is present (Bidgar, and Kotkar, 2019). Also, probation police officer electronic devices to detect and monitor the movement of offenders under supervision. Societal demands and evolution have impacted the emergence of current and developing technologies, for instance, the growing rate of terrorism and the emergence of new crimes in society has triggered technological advancement to counter and maintain the issue.
Nevertheless, the need for privacy, security, and growing data in organization trigger technological advancement to maintain and curb the current cybersecurity issues. For instance, data analytic techniques, and risk management strategies. However, technology advancement has impacted society by influencing education, trade, financial inclusion, public service, and improved connectivity and communication (Harasim, 2017). Technology advancement has improved the nature of education today; people no longer go to classes but use virtual learning to enhance distance learning. The development of technology has impacted distance learning and online learning. Today students can work and, at the same time, learn at the comfort of their home or in a public library.
The use of the internet has made things easier in a society where everything is being operated through information technology systems (Bidgar, and Kotkar, 2019). For instance, electronic communication, such as using emails and social media platforms to pass messages with friends, business colleagues, and family without being physically present. Technology advancement has been very impactful during the pandemic where social events, such as weddings and graduations, are conducted through the internet (Harasim, 2017). Medical technology, such as medical recorder, healthcare trackers, sensors and wearable’s, augmented reality, and virtual reality has improved medical practices, such as treatment and diagnosis.
On the other hand, society no longer have to visit hospitals for clinics, such as cancer patients and pregnant women (Turner, 2015). The development of technology in business and financial institution has impacted the society when people no longer visit banks or look for customers physically. People use mobile banking systems and applications to deposit, withdraw, and communicate with bank officials (Jiang,et,al.,2018).
Mobile phones and other digital gadgets are used to conduct transactions where business link bank accounts with mobile phones. For instance, business organizations use enterprise resource planning systems and cloud-based systems to communicate through a central platform. For instance, enterprise resource planning consists of a centralized database used to save critical information, conduct transactions, and communicate with clients globally. Technology has enhanced safety in society, where national security and law enforcement use technology in conducting an investigation, such as the use of detectors to detect weapons (Turner, 2015). Also, law enforcement has adopted new ways of dealing with cyber insecurity by applying security policies and strategies, such as encryption, strong passwords, and software tools to protect network systems.
Technology has brought about more positive impacts to the community than negative impacts, such as improved health, public safety, enhanced business growth and accessibility of products, and enhanced entertainment. Some of the negative implications of technology development towards society are Violence among children, ethical isolations, such as cybersecurity issues, pornography, and criminality, such as human trafficking and drug trafficking. Technological advancement has enhanced growth and development in our society; hence, society should learn and understand how to handle the vast growing technology (Turner, 2015).
Organizations should be able to put up with the growing technology and security threats, such as cybersecurity. Society will continue to impact technological development leading to innovation and development of new technologies. On the other hand, the development of new technology will continue impacting the society in various ways (Jiang,et,al.,2018). Technology advancement has impacted many institutions, such as healthcare, education, business, and transport systems, making things faster and more efficient. The society should be ready to handle the vast growing technology through embracing and taking advantage of technology for growth and development.
Harasim, L. (2017). Learning theory and online technologies. Taylor & Francis.
Turner, A. (2015). Generation Z: Technology and social interest. The journal of individual Psychology, 71(2), 103-113.
Amiri, S., & Woodside, J. M. (2017). Emerging markets: the impact of ICT on the economy and society. Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance.
Jiang, H., Zhao, S., Yuan, Y., Zhang, L., Duan, L., & Zhang, W. (2018). The coupling relationship between standard development and technology advancement: A game theoretical perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 135, 169-177.
Coccia, M. (2019). Why do nations produce science advances and new technology?. Technology in society, 59, 101124.
MacLeavy, J. (2020). Care‐work, gender inequality and technological advancement in the age of Covid‐19. Gender, Work & Organization.

The assignment has been educative creating intrest in learning more about the interrelationship between society and technology. Technology has been very impactful in society, creating more opportunities, and improving the economy (Jiang,et,al.,2018). Embracing and using technology wisely is the most important to avoid ethical and cultural erosion. Organizations should place security measures to avoid privacy and security issues affecting organizations financially and affecting an individual’s reputation. The assignment has made me understand that technology is here to stay. More advancements are on the way. The most important thing is to be creative and develop ways and business methods to apply and use the advancing technology.


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