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Posted: February 23rd, 2022

Research Paper

Research Paper Rubric

CriteriaUnsatisfactory – BeginningDevelopingAccomplishedExemplaryTotal
Paper Focus:
Position Statement
0-13 points14-15 points16-17 points18-20 points/20
Fails to identify a relevant research topic or is not clearly defined and/or the paper lacks focus throughout.Identifies a research topic but may be too broad in scope and/or the thesis is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the paper.Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides adequate direction for the paper with some degree of interest for the reader. The thesis states the position, premise, or hypothesis, and is the focal point of the paper for the most part.Identifies a relevant research topic and a thesis that provides direction for the paper that is engaging and thought provoking, The thesis clearly and concisely states the position, premise, or hypothesis and is consistently the focal point throughout the paper.
Analysis  0-22 points21-23 points24-26 points27-30 points/30
Demonstrates a lack of understanding and inadequate analysis of the research topic and thesis. Analysis is superficial based on opinions and preferences rather than critical analysis.Demonstrates general understanding with limited critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Summarizes perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions.Demonstrates an understanding and some critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Adequately compares/contrasts perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions but broader connections and/or implications are not as thoroughly explored.Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis of the research topic and thesis (argument). Compares/contrasts perspectives, considers counter arguments or opposing positions, and draws original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications.
Evidence (Sources)  0-22 points21-23 points24-26 points27-30 points/30
Lacks sufficient research sources to support the central position and/or, if included, are generally not relevant, accurate, or reliable.  Contains numerous factual mistakes, omissions, or oversimplifications. Sources, if included, are not properly referenced and cited in the paper.Provides some evidence to support the central position with only a few research sources. Some sources may not be relevant, accurate, and reliable and/or appropriately referenced and cited in the paper.Provides essential, accurate evidence to support the central position with the required (3-7) research sources including 1 source from a periodical database that are mostly relevant, accurate, and reliable. Sources are referenced and cited appropriately throughout the paper for the most part.Provides compelling and accurate evidence to support in-depth the central position beyond the required (3-7) research sources with at least 1 source from a periodical database. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate, and reliable and add to the strength of the paper; and are effectively referenced and cited throughout the paper. (APA)

Research Paper Rubric (continued)

CriteriaUnsatisfactory – BeginningDevelopingAccomplishedExemplaryTotal
Organization  0-6 points7 points8 points9-10 points/10
Paper lacks logical organization and impedes readers’ comprehension of ideas. Central position is rarely evident from paragraph to paragraph and/or the paper is missing multiple required components.Paper is somewhat organized, although occasionally ideas from paragraph to paragraph may not flow well and/or connect to the central position or be clear as a whole. May be missing a required component and/or components may be less than complete.Paper is adequately organized. Ideas are arranged reasonably with a progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes required components (introduction, body, conclusion, Reference List, etc.) for the most part.Paper is effectively organized. Ideas are arranged logically, flow smoothly, with a strong progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central position. Includes all required components (introduction, body, conclusion, Reference List, etc.).
Writing Quality & Adherence to Format Guidelines0-6 points7 points8 points9-10 points/10
Paper shows a below average/poor writing style lacking in elements of appropriate standard English and following proper APA guidelines. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting.Paper shows an average and/or casual writing style using standard English and following APA guidelines. Some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or formatting.Paper shows above average writing style and clarity in writing using standard English and following APA guidelines. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, and/or formatting.Paper is well written and clear using APA guidelines and standard English characterized by elements of a strong writing style. Basically free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage, or formatting errors.
Timeliness* and Length of Paper   (* unexcused late)Deduct 11 points-overall failingDeduct 6-10 pointsDeduct 1-5 points0 points deducted/—
Paper is submitted 2-3 days (49-72 hours) or more after the deadline and/or substantially lacks/exceeds the required length. ½ pagePaper is submitted 1-2 days (25-48 hours) after the deadline and/or is somewhat lacking (or exceeds) the required length.Paper is submitted within 1 day (24 hours) after the deadline and meets the required length (2 pages for the body).Paper is submitted by the deadline and meets the required length (2 pages for the body).
TOTAL POINTS (sum of 6 Criteria)/100

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