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Posted: February 21st, 2023


“You are required to write a 3 page, double-spaced mini-research paper for this assignment. Your paper must have a clearly defined thesis, appropriate supporting materials, proper citations, be written in academic English, and be original to this course. You must use all five sources listed above in your paper” ” The citation formats given above are for footnotes. To add these sources to your Works Cited or Bibliography page, you will have to collect more information and properly format them.” Papers must contain:
your name, the course, and the date at the upper right of your first page
a title
a thesis statement
body (supporting evidence)
Works Cited/ References list
typed, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font

The total length –not including endnotes or footnotes– should be 3 pages.

Number your pages.

Proper citations of sources used, Chicago Style. Cite your sources using footnotes or endnotes and the author’s last name, date, and page number, for example: Davidson 2020, page number (if there is a page number).

All of your sources must be from these assigned assignment readings.

All work is original and properly cited—no plagiarism, no work submitted for another class.

Paper is written in academic English meaning no slang or texting abbreviations, do not use I/me/my/mine, you/your/yours, we/us/ours, limited use of passive voice, consistent tense use of verbs, no verbal contractions, and complete sentences containing subjects and verbs.

Paper must be submitted in PDF format.

Questions to Consider (These do not have to be answered in your paper but give you a starting place for choosing your paper topic.):

What is “race” and “ethnicity”? How does our modern use of these concepts differ from that of the ancient world?
What influence did the people of the ancient Mediterranean believe geography had on different groups of people?
Is it possible to apply modern concepts of race and ethnicity to the ancient world? Why or why not?
Did people in the ancient world divide different groups of people in the same way as the modern world? How did these groups of people interact with each other?

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