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Posted: September 13th, 2022


Pathophysiology is a medical discipline that converges two terms; pathology, which studies the causes and impacts of an illness or condition in the body, and physiology, which is the study of how the human body functions. In simpler words, pathophysiology studies how illnesses affect different systems of the body from the cellular level and the physical and biological changes that occur within the body due to the disease. So, any disease or condition that alters normal body functioning is pathophysiology. It is a process where the main goal is to identify malfunctions in the body that either cause or result from the disease.
A course in pathophysiology seeks to help a medical professional understand and explain what is happening in the patient’s body because of an illness. For example, Congestive heart failure is a heart condition that prevents the heart from effectively pumping blood to other parts of the body. Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to body tissues results in decreased cardiac output, which in turn causes tissue perfusion. Some of the primary causes of heart failure include hypertension, diabetes, and myocardial infarction. All these conditions will display different symptoms in the patients leading up to heart failure. Understanding the pathophysiology of heart failure helps a practitioner identify these symptoms and establish the appropriate course of treatment
Why is pathophysiology important in nursing?
Pathophysiology is often considered the basis of nursing practice. A nurse’s primary duties revolve around ordering diagnostic tests, treating acute and chronic illness, administering medications, and disease prevention for patients and the community. All these duties demand a strong proficiency in pathophysiology.
Nurses use knowledge in pathophysiology every time they interact with a patient. Thus, a good nurse must be exceptionally knowledgeable in this area. The nurse’s role is to examine their patient, identify any abnormalities, and predict the cause. It is also crucial that a nurse interacts with a diverse number of patients since diseases sometimes can manifest differently in different patients. Thus, a healthy function or structure in one patient does not necessarily mean the same in another patient. Insufficient exposure can impact the quality of care by increasing the chances of incorrect or missed diagnosis.
A nurse who can accurately recognize the pathophysiological signs and symptoms of an illness in a patient is well informed and can provide high-quality care. Similarly, for a nurse to effectively apply the discipline of pathophysiology in practice, they must also have an equally profound understanding of acute and chronic diseases and how they impact the body systems. Additionally, the nurse must also have substantial knowledge in pharmacokinetics.
Branney, J. and Priego-Hernández, J., 2018. A mixed methods evaluation of team-based learning for applied pathophysiology in undergraduate nursing education. Nurse education today, 61, pp.127-133.
Bron, A.J., de Paiva, C.S., Chauhan, S.K., Bonini, S., Gabison, E.E., Jain, S., Knop, E., Markoulli, M., Ogawa, Y., Perez, V. and Uchino, Y., 2017. Tfos dews ii pathophysiology report. The ocular surface, 15(3), pp.438-510.
Zhou, B. and Tian, R., 2018. Mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathophysiology of heart failure. The Journal of clinical investigation, 128(9), pp.3716-3726.


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