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Posted: September 1st, 2022


Macbeth, or most commonly referred to as the Scottish play, is yet another phenomenal work of William Shakespeare. Written in the early 1600, the play is an emotional and tragic tale with a death-filled setting. Inspired by the ghost stories of Edgar Allen Pole, Melia Bensussen directs the play bringing out an intriguing and fascinating tale of a young guy Macbeth whose ambitions become his downfall. Shakespeare employs blood and death filled setting throughout the play to portray the guilt-filled Macbeth.
Instead of allowing nature to define his future, Macbeth takes it upon himself to hasten fate. He is so obsessed with making what he desires a reality. He is blinded by the desire and ambition of gaining power and control over others. Eventually, he gives in to the obsession and goes on a killing spree. It is not long when tables turn, and his greed and desires become his ultimate disgrace.
When the story begins, Macbeth is a courageous and honorable soldier who is quite satisfied with his achievements in Scottish society. Everyone trusts and respects the young warrior, and they even refer to his as the “kinsman.” This only lasts until Macbeth, on his return from war, encounters a coven of witches who had three prophecies, among which that he will become the king of Scotland. He believes the prophecies and tells his wife about it. Filled with greed and lust, his wife, lady Macbeth, motivates him to go for the throne. When greed and lust take over, Macbeth retorts to killing King Duncan when he visits his castle and takes over the throne.
Banquo, who is a close friend to Macbeth, begins to suspect. Macbeth is also worried about the prophecy concerning Banquo that he would sire a line of kings. Macbeth views him as a threat and hires men to kill him and his children. Macbeth’s third victim becomes a young warrior by the name Macduff who remains loyal to the king’s son, Malcolm, even after his father’s death. Macduff and Malcolm raise an army to dethrone Macbeth. Macbeth sees him as a threat and orders the murder of Macduff’s family.
Macbeth is completely overtaken by the desire to remain powerful and gain control and believes he cannot be killed by any man born of a woman. As a consequence of his evil deeds, Macbeth gradually descends into madness. Macduff becomes distraught and bitter after his entire family is killed, and rebels against Macbeth becoming king. The end is a vicious encounter, and as prophesied, Macduff, who was born by caesarian section eventually slays Macbeth and takes his severed head to Malcolm as proof.


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