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Posted: April 13th, 2023

Interpersonal Relationship and Friendship

Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. We’re born alone, we live alone and we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone. It is a very mysterious relationship that God create for human and it is one of the most important components in human life. It is as easy as ABC when it comes to find and make friends. Yet, it is not easy to manage a high-quality friendship.
According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, friendship is a relationship between friends; the feeling or relationship that friends have; the state of being friends. However, an insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind. Here, I totally disagree with the statement that friendship is the most valuable thing in life as there are certainly more significant and priceless thing than friendship.
In this essay, I will summarize how life itself is more valuable than friendship and expound why health, family and individual’s principle in life are at the upper rank. First and foremost, healthy is considered first before one enjoys the beauty of friendship as health is the most basic yet major asset that will make our life complete. Try to imagine that you are a disabled person, who is blind, deaf, or even dumb and obviously lack of a healthy body, the quality of your life is totally reduced.

Even the power and strength of the friendship cannot bring back and make us healthy anymore. This may lead to the failure in create a colourful and splendid life. Without good health is exactly a stumbling block in life, without it you cannot do anything. Though friends show their love in times of trouble not in happiness, health is still the most important asset in our lives. Secondly, we are no one without our family as indeed blood is thicker than water. Family is one of the nature’s masterpieces.
Andre Maurois quoted “without family, man, alone in the world, tremble with the cold” shown that family is not the important thing in the world but it’s everything. To us, family mean putting your arms around each other and being there. Furthermore, it is the source of strength and also the reason of weaknesses. Thereby, family is always before than friendship. Friends will not be there for you forever but family is forever. In addition, some cases of betrayed among friendship made this society lack of confidence to operate a sincere friendship.
Last but not least, an individual’s principle of life is far more valuable than friendship in life. The principle of life may due to the individual’s religion, ethics, and believe as this may guide them to live their life in a proper and right way. For instance, a person persist to do good since the principle guide them to do so then nobody could taint and breakthrough it. Thereupon, this may avoid the individual to commit with undesirable deeds like smoking, abusing, murdering, raping, stealing, and others. Hence, life principle is a needs to an individual before create a friendship.
In a nutshell, friendship is something you cannot learn in class and carry you to where money would not go. It is the sunshine and rainbow to make our life colourful but without good healthy, a loving family and strong principle, life is meaningless hollow. In short, I am still opposing that friendship is the most valuable things in life. Government can organise awareness campaign and parent should encourage and guide their children to learn about prioritise in life as they are the future pillars of the society.

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