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Posted: September 6th, 2022

Gun Control

Gun Control
Most African Americans never considered buying guns until the recent turn of events. The article by Brown et al. (2020) titled “I’m a black American. I Need a Gun to Feel Safe in This Country” reflects the sentiments most African Americans are sharing of late. According to the authors, people of color within the US no longer feel safe. They feel threatened and hunted by white supremacists and the police. Brown et al. researched black communities and found that the message being spread is “Go buy a Gun. Arm Yourself.” Unfortunately, this is not the first time black people are experiencing this fear. Historically, Black People armed themselves to protect themselves from slave traders and police officers. The police have recently shot and killed unarmed black people – some of them showing no resistance. Examples of shootings that have caused an uproar among African Americans are killing Breanna Taylor and George Floyd by American Police Officers. Recently, a white couple waved firearms at protestors in St. Louis. Even though they did not shoot anyone, it was a clear sign that Black Americans needed to protect themselves.
Despite most people of color agreeing that firearms should become a household essential, the approach may not always be the best. Some studies can compare and contrast the claims shedding light on in-depth matters. According to Benedict Carey (2020), gun owners are at risk for suicide. Benedict Carey agrees on the need to protect oneself by purchasing a firearm, but there is also the crucial need to analyze the dangers of possessing such a weapon. Referring to a study conducted by The New England Journal of Medicine, Carey (2020) pointed out that men are eight times to kill themselves with their purchased firearms while women’s chances are 35times higher. While Black Americans claim to feel unsafe and turn to guns to safety, they need to consider the repercussions of bearing such lethal weapons.
Brown et al. (2020). I’m a Black American. I need a Gun to Feel Safe in this Country. Retrieved from
Carey, B. (2020). First-time Gun Owners at Risk for Suicide, Major Study Confirms. Retrieved from


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