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Posted: February 19th, 2022

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma
I would try to get custody of my grandson. Courts usually act when substance abuse-in the form of alcohol or unlawful drugs-essentially obstructs a parent’s ability to care for his/her children, or the parent presents a danger to the well-being of the child (Jackson, Klee & Lewis, 2016). In this case, my daughter’s abuse of crack has made her unable to take care of her son, and as a result, she has neglected him. She also leaves him at her so-called friends’ houses, where strange men are watching him. This puts my grandson at risk of being introduced to drugs at a young age and even at risk of being molested. Therefore, I believe that I have a strong case against my daughter, and any judge who gets to hear what my grandson has to put up with will rule in my favor. If I am given custody, I will not allow my daughter to see him again until she admits she has a problem and seeks treatment.
The withdrawal symptoms of crack and cocaine are so much worse than opiates because crack and cocaine are more potent than opiates. This means that they evoke a given response at low concentration, that is, they generate the “high” feeling at low concentrations. Smoking crack/cocaine allows it to reach the brain very rapidly and hence brings a strong and instant-but very short-lived-high that lasts approximately 15 minutes (Padwa & Cunningham, 2010). And because of this, an abuser can begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms after his/her first time of trying cocaine or crack.
Detoxification is one of the primary forms of treatment for crack users, and it is the initial step toward recovery. When done in an environment that is regulated, detoxification assists in safely cleansing the drug from the body of the user. Inpatient rehabilitation is another form of treatment. There are multiple rehabilitation centers with different treatment plans, but most of them focus on support groups, process group therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Jackson, M., Klee, H., & Lewis, S. (2016). Drug misuse and motherhood. Routledge.
Padwa, H., & Cunningham, J. (2010). Addiction: A reference encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO.

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