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Posted: November 19th, 2022

Digital Age Technology

Digital Age Technology
Social media through the use of internet and other mobile technology has influenced the societal behavior. It has become an essential tool in our daily lives for networking and interaction with business organizations, the government and within ourselves. It plays a role in building your own skills like watching educational movies, read online resources, listen to music.
Social media has also proven to be the most powerful to the government i.e. the US government for interacting with the citizens. They reduce cost in terms of service delivery. Social media helps the US government during emergencies and disaster communication and in turn the humanitarian aid will be able to respond. It is also useful for public participation and interactions i.e. engaging the citizens in online discussions, government initiatives and policy making. This will enhance transparency and accountability of government resources.
Social media platform is a very important tool for the followers in terms of business development. It helps in advertising products and selling them online. Other sites like Linked in enables the followers to connect and interact with their peers which can lead to employment.
Social media can be good for teenagers in terms of creativity, learning, digital media knowledge and mental health enhancement but it can as well pose risks which includes; exposure of bad contents like sexual sites, cyberbullying and sharing personal information with unknown people. Therefore, there is need to understand the potential risks involved. The government should regulate the age limit requirements and the content that is uploaded in the platform. Teens also needs to be educated on the effects of digital reputation. There is need to protect their personal information and try to control their login credentials so that you will be able to block any suspicious behaviors.

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