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Posted: September 9th, 2022



A buffer is a physical memory storage region like RAM that temporarily stores data. At the same time, it is being transferred from one location to another. the CPU controls the data stored in the buffer before it is sent to other devices. The buffer is implemented by use of a memory array storing the fundamental units of data and a pointer which keeps track of where the person is reading from or writing (Sela, Sapir, Shaharabany, Oshinsky, Marcu & Perry, 2017). U. It is then moved forward accordingly. A read data gets filled with data from the source before the process starts then after processing data, a new chunk is read, and the whole process begins again.
The first problem solved by a buffer slow performance during I/O operations such that the CPU is left idle. A buffer is used in improving performance (Lee & Bhakta, 2017). Some people use two buffers instead of one where the CPU can be retrieving the next block into the second buffer while processing the current block in the first buffer at the same time. That ensures that the speed of performance is increased. The second problem is the conflicting needs of both the disk I/O and the memory where reading or writing and processing happens at once. Buffers are used in collecting the many small bytes into a massive chunk of writing or rather it provides the data byte from memory instead of the disk turning every time. Buffers close the gap between the two conflicting needs.
In conclusion, the real world buffering involves the process of downloading or watching a video may be from YouTube. The buffer here represents the data amount required to be downloaded before the video is played back to the viewer in real-time. The buffer, therefore, stores data that is transmitted temporarily as it goes between devices or a device and an app. Buffers allow specific services or programs to run efficiently. For example, the content of the text editor programs is stored into a buffer before it is saved in the hard disk. Another problem solved by the use of a buffer is flickering of new and changing graphical elements on the screen. Buffering ensures that switching between contiguous frames becomes smoother.

Lee, H., & Bhakta, J. R. (2017). U.S. Patent No. 9,606,907. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Sela, R., Sapir, M., Shaharabany, A., Oshinsky, H., Marcu, A., & Perry, N. (2017). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/925,334.


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