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Posted: February 28th, 2022

Business Strategy

Please find, bellow, the situation/case on which you will write the report (i.e. Final, take-home, Assignment/Report).
Format: Business Report (maximum 8 pages),
Submission date: Wednesday, March 28, 2021, 23:59
Submission in TurnitIn place holder on the class portal.

“You are a newly-minted, tax-paying and law-abiding, permanent resident of Canada.
In the context of the Canadian multicultural society, you are involved in your community, holding a volunteer office (e.g. VP, Secretary etc.) in your community association.
At the last community meeting several members raised the issue of whether what is going on the Canadian political scene, such as:

the Jody Wilson- Raybould, former federal Justice Minister and Attorney General, story
the Bill Morneau, former federal Minister of Finance, story, and especially
the Julie Payette, former Governor General of Canada, story
are indicative of changes, in the Canadian society, which will impact the country and its communities.
You were asked to write a report, of maxim 8 pages ( …. your community members appreciate effective communication), addressing issues such as:

what Julie Payette’s case says about employee-employer relations in Canada?
what Bill Morneau’s case says about ethics in Canada?
what Jody Wilson-Raybould’s case says about globalization, global competition, competitiveness and ethics in Canada?
Your community is generally optimistic about the state of affairs in Canada, and about the future of the country which depends on its functioning democracy.
Are there warning signs and “red flags” to watch for by engaged members of the Canadian society?”

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