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Posted: December 14th, 2022

Buddhism and Hinduism

Although Buddhism and Hinduism share many similar beliefs, they differ in their understanding of one’s self, or the ‘soul.’ Explore these two religions and the concepts of anatman and atman, especially in relation to how they conceive of the sacred (god/gods) and the way to salvation. How can I formulate a good argument to answer that question?
Buddhism and Hinduism are two major world religions that originated in ancient India. While they share many beliefs and practices, there are some important differences between the two religions, particularly in their understanding of the self and the concept of the sacred.

In Hinduism, the concept of the self is known as the atman, which is believed to be a small part of the larger, eternal, and all-pervading Brahman. The goal of the Hindu religious life is to realize the unity of the atman and Brahman, and to merge with the divine. This is seen as the ultimate goal of human existence, and is known as moksha or liberation.

In contrast, the central teaching of Buddhism is the concept of anatman, or “no-self.” This means that there is no eternal, unchanging self or soul, but rather that the self is constantly changing and is ultimately empty of any inherent existence. This is in line with the Buddhist understanding of the impermanence of all things.

As for the concept of the sacred, Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and recognizes a wide variety of gods and goddesses. These deities are believed to be manifestations of the ultimate reality of Brahman, and they are worshiped through various rituals and practices. In Buddhism, the concept of the sacred is somewhat different. While there are various gods and deities in Buddhist traditions, they are not seen as ultimate or eternal beings. Instead, the focus is on the practice of Buddhism itself, and on achieving enlightenment through following the teachings of the Buddha.

In terms of salvation or liberation, both Hinduism and Buddhism have similar goals, but they differ in their understanding of how this is achieved. In Hinduism, the ultimate goal is to merge with the divine and become one with Brahman, which is believed to be the only true source of liberation. In Buddhism, the goal is to achieve enlightenment and end the cycle of suffering and rebirth. This is achieved through the practice of the Eightfold Path, which includes ethical conduct, mindfulness, and wisdom.

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