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Posted: January 31st, 2022

African American Studies

Select ONE (1) of the following questions to answer. Make sure to incorporate evidence from this week’s readings to support your argument:

1. Texts and documentaries on the Civil Rights Movement often focus on the post-World War II era as a starting point. But these activities neglect or obscure a much longer tradition of civil rights activism within the African American community. How do this week’s readings on the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) challenge a 1950s start date to the movement often found in traditional narratives? Discuss at least three (3) ways in which the NAACP fought for civil rights in the era prior to World War II. Why is it important to include this early history of the movement?

2. The Great Migration, which began during the opening decades of the 20th century, marked a huge shift in African American life and culture. When examining migration, it is helpful to think of the push and pull factors that motivate someone to move. Push factors are those things that force a person to move from a certain location either voluntarily or involuntarily. Meanwhile, pull factors are those things that draw a migrant to a specific location. Looking at the readings for this week, what were at least two (2) push factors and two (2) pull factors (at least 4 in total) that were part of the Great Migration? Draw specific examples of push and pull factors from this week’s readings, including items found within the timeline covering the period from 1900 to 1935. Last, do you think these push and pull factors still apply today when looking at the reasons for black migration and immigration?


To answer, choose ONE (1) of the following questions. Make sure to provide proof from this week’s readings to back up your claim:

1. Texts and documentaries about the Civil Rights Movement frequently begin with the post-World War II era. However, these actions ignore or obfuscate a far longer history of civil rights activity in the African American community. How do this week’s readings on the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) dispute the movement’s canonical 1950s start date? Discuss at least three (3) ways the NAACP fought for civil rights prior to World War II. Why is it vital to include the movement’s early history?

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